Tuesday, May 24, 2011

took the cookbook and cook :D

I love prepare the food, although sometimes I don’t do  like the cookbook, and the flavor isn’t like the original recipe, but is fun the creation of the recipes, and the result final is a complete satisfaction, even when the food seems like a dead cat or something estrange … ha ha ha
But in general, I do good foods, I am a specialist of sweet cooks, like cookies, or bakes, pies, biscuits, etc… the pie of lemon is a delicious, when I was in pregnancy I cook pie of lemon  three or four times a month… I really adore it!
But today I will teach you how to cook a delicious dessert; it’s very very very easy, because you miss only tree ingredients. Here the recipe:
Apple pudding  
6 apples peeled and grated
1 condensed milk
3 eggs
How to prepare:
In a source, mix the apples peeled and grated, (of course grated without the seeds, we don’t want to you damage your teeth) with a condensed milk, stir and add the three egg yolk, mix very well and pour this on a ovenproof dish, and take to oven, 30 or 40 minutes.
Meanwhile with the three white eggs, whisk them to have a snow, (add sugar and whisk a little bit more)
When the pudding is ready, (golden and consistency) add the snow and decorate with a fork. Take to oven two or three minutes, only for golden the cover of snow.
Remove from oven and cool.
This is a spectacular dessert, when you must surprise your mother in law, or your boyfriend, (girlfriend) is easy and delicious!
I hope that you can prepare this and enjoy with your cook capacities… even when the first time it looks like a dead cat or something estrange … xD


  1. I love desserts
    I like cook cookies,
    I try cook this recipe

  2. Paula you should bring a piece of lemon pie for next class please .... I like it a lot....cheers
